Integral Coaching for a creative life lived on-purpose

It’s time to imagine, design, and live into a life that you savor.

First, some really good news:

Despite the loneliness, stuckness, or lostness, you’re far from the first human with big questions rolling around in your skull.

You’re hardly alone in that subterranean sense that whispers to you during quiet moments, the intuition that perhaps something is not quite right with your relationships, or your job, or your drinking, or how you feel about yourself and your life.

It’s easy to slide into a life lived on autopilot—especially when the path towards what you really, deeply want feels murky, or even impossible.

But when that voice knocking on the door of your heart is getting unignorably, maybe even *uncomfortably!*, loud, it’s wise to tune in.

How long have you spent putting off your life “until tomorrow”?

What if you started taking steps towards having an active say in the design of it instead?

At some point, the curiosity about what else is possible for you boils over, and has to shift into action. (Or, if you’re like me, it’s less “curiosity” and more “getting to a point where you’re too fed up with yourself to not try something different.”)

And taking action, even (especially!) stumbling and messy ones, leads to fresh discoveries and the relief of momentum.

You gain perspective.

You reset expectations, looking at your life *exactly as it is* with your eyes open.

You start to see how all the subtle “shoulds” or hella loud “have tos” that got you here are or aren’t serving you.

And from this place of honesty, you’re free to grow in ways that are authentic to you, and that have nothing to do with cultural/familial/social expectations. Freedom, ease, and lightness begin to walk alongside the mucky muck.

Because, as it turns out, you. get. to. imagine, design, and then live a life that actually works for you.

1:1 Integral Coaching

Here’s where you’ll cultivate the self-knowledge to make meaningfully rebellious, aligned choices—and the steady practices to live those choices out.

Integral Coaching is a holistic coaching process in the truest sense of the word.

It holds you as a person with a body, mind, heart, and spirit, rather than someone with a problem to be “solved.” It leans towards your liberation over more “fitting in,” helping you find peace and power in the glorious unconventional weirdo that you are.

​​​​​​​​​​Working together is definitely about getting into action towards your goals—collaborating on a step-by-step, specific-to-you, genuinely-doable process to discover what you want, and then move you in that direction. But it doesn’t stop there. Along the way, we swim in the waters of human development, living into questions like:

  • Who am I, free from the patterns and conditioning of my family and culture?

  • How do I live life my way—rather than continuing to shove myself in boxes I will never fit into?

  • How do I integrate the various parts of myself, so that what I say and how I behave line up?

And over time, the ceiling opens up. The limits you thought existed on your own joy and ease, your ability to wake up and feel alive, damn it, start to expand. You find safety and spaciousness in the process, so you can:

  • Own who you are—and what you most desire—and then live from that place

  • Free yourself from whatever expectations keep you feeling stuck and small

  • Slow down and savor your life instead of being obligated to a constant sense of urgency

  • Cultivate the ability to trust and partner with your life, rather than control or micromanage it—no matter what circumstances arise

  • Connect to concrete meaning and purpose (and while you’re at it, a helluva lot more goodness and pleasure)

That’s what a bold, on-purpose life is all about.

“Thank you Dani, for helping me make me a new, expanded, more joyful, more present, better version of myself.

Before working together, I was constantly filling my life. Always busier than I wanted to be. Always adding. It never felt natural to me, but I got caught up in it hard.

And now, I get to be slow. That annoying buzz of constant overwhelm, the feelings of drowning in chaos, and frustration of wanting to do it better but not knowing how – that is all gone. Just gone. My stress level has minimized. I calmly sort through rather than getting caught up in and swept away.

Everything looks different now. I occasionally find myself sliding back into a few of my old mindsets, but I catch them quickly and am able to remind myself how much better it feels to be on the other side. I am able and allowed to find joy in all moments, even the deeply painful times. While I still feel the pull of negativity bias, I am able to kick it in the face before it takes hold and brings me down.

This all opens up space for full presence, meaningful support to family and friends and to myself, existing fully and without shame and guilt, joy, understanding, growth and wisdom, deep love, empathic listening, and a dedication to my soul’s needs and desires that can carry me to all the right places. And all of this feels so much better than I even expected.

— E.R. 1:1 Coaching Client

What brings you here right now?

At Self Made, the Integral Coaching process supports many areas of your life, including recovery.

Where will our work begin together?

Tell me about coaching for recovery >

I’m here for goals & growth >


Integral Coaching for Recovery & Healing

If you can’t quite make out how you got here, you’re not alone. You’re far from the first person who’s felt the slow, shameful dawning of “I think I need some support with my drinking, like… yesterday.”

But that shame and brokenness, though they make sense, don’t have to remain your constant companions. And you don’t have to figure out, all on your own, how to shift the relationship with alcohol that’s been gnawing away at you. (Here, you also don’t have to subscribe to any rules or commit to any labels.)

Coaching offers you the support, the mirror, the reminders, the examples, the new habits, and the accountability to live your way into a life that actually feels good. We’re not here to figure out whether you have a “problem”—we’re here to see if alcohol is still adding more to your life than it’s taking.

Our work together often begins with the basics: are you drinking enough water? How can you get more sleep? Can you move your body in ways that feel nourishing? And then, over time, we ease our way into the bigger questions.

Because this is your invitation into a revelatory reframe: It’s not that you don’t *get* to drink alcohol, but that you don’t *have* to. This is liberation, not deprivation, because shedding the societal expectation to drink opens a door to big-ass self-discovery. Quitting isn't about losing a part of yourself—it's about coming home to yourself. And in that space, real belonging flourishes, not just with others but within the core of who you are.


Integral Coaching for Growth & Transformation

More than simply setting and achieving goals—though that *is* absolutely a fundamental part of this work—Integral Coaching attends to your overall development as a human being.

We’re not here to check boxes or barrel towards certain outcomes. You’re developing practices that deepen your identity, purpose, and vision even as you shimmy your way towards those goals. It’s both practical and profoundly deep.

As you set out on the path of your personal coaching program, you’ll find that adding in more of what you do want in your life starts to crowd out the other muck.

Perfectionism, binary thinking, and unhelpful thought patterns begin to transform into curiosity and validation. The ingrained expectations and “shoulds” that have boxed you in for so long start to fade.

You’re alive, awake, and lit up, free to leave the default behind and design your brilliantly unconventional, on-purpose life.

The Integral Coaching process is simple, profound, and creative above all

Here’s how it works.


FIRST UP: Current Way of Being

We begin by figuring out what life is like now, so we can build upon your strengths and set sights on where you’re going.

After getting to know each other, I’ll guide you through a rich assessment (not a test!) that shapes a coaching program that’s unique and specific to you.

IMAGINING: What’s Your New Way of Being

We get visionary, imaginative, and specific about a life that would feel really great to you.

Your one-of-a-kind (yes, honestly, literally) coaching program is designed to feel like a gift: not a performance review or another S.M.A.R.T. goal but a journey that sees you deeply and reflects the life you’re transforming your way into.

BECOMING: Practices to Help You Live Into It

Together, we design practices, activities, and exercises that help you live into this new way of being. We attend to your whole life, exploring the issues you want to address while plugging into a sense of vitality and aliveness along the way.

After all, it is practice, literally, that makes change. If you keep showing up and practicing, your life will transform. I promise.


1:1 Integral Coaching is a path to imagining and then living a life that you really, truly savor

And your experience unfolds like this.


Coaching is a dynamic and creative relationship. We check in week over week, experimenting with both the nuts-and-bolts of habit formation as well as exploring the greater questions of identity, self-knowledge, and deepening relationships to self and others.

As your coach, I’m here to offer you care, resources, community, tools, practices, and my commitment and passion, so that you can uncover, or recover, what exactly it will look like for you to design your own life.

Your coaching journey includes:

  • A 75-90-minute intake call, where we explore who you are and where you’d love to be

  • A creatively designed personal development program that’s 100% crafted around your unique personality, life, and aspirations

  • A check-in call to make any adjustments, so you’ll feel clear and comfortable with your path forward

  • A committed, daily contemplative practice that you design (no prescriptions here)

  • 60-minute online coaching sessions (either weekly or 2x/month) where we will discuss your progress, address new discoveries (and breakdowns!), and continue to refine your coaching program so that it’s always precisely tailored to you

  • Visionary tools for navigating discomfort (Nervous system support! A radical approach to self-compassion! Chaos as a friend rather than a freakout!)

  • An inventory of current goals and a system for refining // deepening // expanding them to support who you are and where you’re heading at any stage of life

  • Between-session practices, observations, readings, and more, to support your momentum

Self-development is a beautiful, thoughtful, and embodied process that can’t be rushed.

For that reason, when you step into this coaching relationship, you’ll commit to meeting for a minimum of 3 months, typically for weekly sessions.

Ready? Curious? The next step is to talk! You’re invited to book your free 30-minute alignment session to get to know each other and answer any of your questions.

“I loved that Dani gave me specific, interesting and creative exercises that helped me on the path to my goals.

Working together was truly a gift on my healing and recovery journey. Before starting 1:1 coaching, while I was solid in my sobriety, I had become a bit isolated and sometimes lonely, and knew (or hoped) that there was much more joy and connection for me out there in the world.

My challenge was to learn how to tap into that connection, opening myself up to new experiences, friendships and community, while developing a greater sense of ease on the path of life. No easy feat, and Dani was able to help me tremendously in a relatively short period of time, in a different way than what I accomplish with my therapist.

There were so many things I loved about working with Dani, including her incredibly soothing voice and demeanor, which immediately made me feel safe, cared for and relaxed. She taught me to reframe critical internal thoughts and develop a kinder inner voice, and helped me see how far I’ve actually come, which in turn made me more curious about what’s still out there.

The work we did together made me more patient with myself, and more confident. Most importantly, with Dani’s help I developed a more finely tuned inner compass, and am gradually creating that deeper sense of connection to others and the world that I so crave.

— E.R. 1:1 Coaching Client

I’m your coach, Dani, and I prefer the margins over the middle every damn time. 

You too?

I’m the coach for the oddballs and misfits, the dreamers and the big feelers, the creatives and the curious, the ones who just can’t stand to continue their numbed-out slog amidst the mainstream any longer.

I founded Self Made as a place of intention and belonging, a call to deeply connect with your self—self-knowledge, self-trust, self-development—and then to make, small step by step, a life that you savor.

Choosing to design a on-purpose life and free yourself from the default is both a rebellious act and a personal renaissance, and I’m here to support you in all of it.

In my eyes, coaching is ultimately a support for designing a life that truly aligns—sustainably—with who you are and what *you* really want. I meet you as a committed, visionary individual who is ready to claim agency over your desires and preferences, to honor both your full body hell yes’s and clear-eyed, unapologetic hell no’s, and to look past the urgency of just getting through the present moment and toward a future of your own design.

Let’s tackle your questions together

Here are a few you might be curious about.

What are your qualifications?

Literally anyone out there can call themselves a coach, but I consider coaching a true vocation, the farthest thing from a hustle. I take great care to hold you with lots of professional expertise (as well as passion, humor, and realness!).

I’m a Certified New Ventures West Integral Coach®, which is accredited by the International Coaching Federation (basically considered the governing body of coaching). I’m also a Tempest-trained Recovery Coach, and I have years of experience facilitating in-person meetings as well as coaching 1:1.

(I’ve also been a CrossFit coach since 2019, and in case you were wondering whether lifting heavy things and then letting them crash to the ground is very satisfying, yes, yes it is.)

What’s the difference between Integral Coaching and life coaching?

Without getting too in the weeds (although I’m happy to if you have further questions!), Integral Coaching has a specific theory, framework, and approach, while “life coaching” can describe lots of different methodologies. This particular flavor of coaching attends to all aspects of your being and your life—we’re talking deeply soulful, holistic, and profound (while still being practical, of course).

Is the hard work of healing going to totally suck?

We are socially conditioned to believe healing and growth are hard and that we have to feel worse on our way to feeling better. Some good news? This is a myth. That’s not to say that self-development doesn’t have its tough spots, but our biology is truly wired for us to feel good, not bad. And if that doesn’t quite yet sound believable to you, that’s okay. Together we can explore how you can shift your life’s orientation from one of struggle to more ease and pleasure (no toxic positivity required, either).

How do I know whether I should be working with you or a therapist?

I’m not a therapist and coaching isn’t a substitute for therapy. You might think of therapy as a place to explore the root causes of substance use (for example, trauma; mental health diagnoses; other lived experiences that are known contributors to substance use). As a coach, my job is to help you ground in the present and orient toward the future. This article can help clarify the difference between coaching and therapy. This article is a resource on finding a therapist who specializes in addiction.

If you’re uncertain about whether working together will be right for you, please reach out for an introductory call and we can talk it out! I won’t hesitate to refer you to other resources if coaching isn’t the right level of support for you right now.

I’ve started reading a bunch of self-help books/ talked to a therapist/ gone on yoga retreats but I still feel stuck. How do I actually… make change? And stick with it?!

The way you build momentum is to practice taking small, consistent actions (slowly! over time!), and then to listen to, receive, and integrate the signals that come in on the other side. As you allow yourself to be guided by your own inner signals, you begin to trust your actions, and when you see how those actions are steps towards wholeness and the life you actually want? Yes, more, please.

And, look, it’s 100% human to have difficulty following through when left to our own devices. That’s why a consistent relationship with a coach can make the difference between still *thinking about it* and actually walking the path.

What if I’m sobercurious or not sure I want to be completely sober? What even is the definition of recovery anyway?

Short answer: you are welcome here.

Longer answer: The longer I am in this world, the more expansive my view of recovery becomes, and the less I care about labels. Any and all gate-keeping is out, along with the book of rules. Maybe total abstinence will be right for you, maybe not. YOU get to decide what the definition of recovery is to YOU, and I am the last person who will question you—indeed, I trust you and will always remind you that nobody knows better than you do what you need.

Have a question that’s not answered here? Let’s talk it through! We can explore anything that’s on your mind in your free, no-commitment Alignment Session.

It’s time to step into a new way of being.

It’s a brave thing to reach out for support, and I’m ready to meet you with lots of intention and care. (And of course, no pressure!)

Please book your free 30-minute alignment session right below, so we can get to know each other and talk through any questions you might have.