A five-week hybrid course and community for reducing overwhelm, fear, and stuckness, and increasing presence, joy, and creativity.

Self Made Summer Camp

July 14th - August 18th, 2024

July 14th - August 18th, 2024

Join me for a gently structured, virtual

☀️SUMMER CAMP☀️ to help you slow down, connect inward, and be more intentional with your energy, attention, and focus so you can head into fall feeling grounded and fortified.

🌻 Practical weekly lessons
🌻 Live calls + asynchronous community
🌻 Two 1:1 coaching calls
🌻  Multiple paths to “choose your own adventure”


Discover what you are a disciple to

🪐 Create a little space

🪐 Choose an experiment

🪐 Head into autumn with more joy and equanimity


🪐 a greater capacity to be with and respond to life *as is *

I slept and dreamt that life was joy

I awoke and saw that life was service

I acted and behold, service is joy.

—Rabindranath Tagore

Self Made Community Testimonials

🙌🏽 I had no idea that a program like this - judgment free, genuine, authentic - could exist. I was welcomed with open arms and never felt like any of the conversations were prescriptive to what my practice should look like. It was my journey and I received nothing but the most caring and genuine support. -A.R.

🙌🏽 The environment in SELF MADE is one of the most welcoming, encouraging and supportive spaces I've ever been a part of. I have been able to explore and grow parts of myself that were so deeply underdeveloped and neglected, thanks to the wisdom and example of the other participants, and Dani's guidance. I am forever grateful. -F.D.

🙌🏽 Doing the work with SELF MADE was where I found acceptance, community, and inspiration thanks in large measure to the tone Dani sets as a facilitator. This program was where I learned I could truly and freely be myself without fear, and because of that it is a place where I can return time and again to my source, my big why, the grounding principles that support my life from its deepest roots. -B.A.

We will begin each week with a video lesson. Each lesson will include an associated practice or tool, plus a guided visualization, meditation, or breath exercise.

In addition to the above, you will choose one path of focus - you get to choose your own adventure.

Paths include:

🌻 5 weeks of daily meditation or mindfulness practice
🌻 5 weeks of NO SOCIAL MEDIA
🌻 5 weeks of creative practice
🌻5 weeks of…??? (sobriety? spending time in the garden? moving your body every day? You get to choose).

👉🏽 Stay connected asynchronously via Slack as your schedule suits you.
👉🏽 Sign up for two 1:1 coaching sessions with Dani on the topic(s) currently closest to your heart.
👉🏽Plus! There will be multiple ways to connect live throughout the five weeks if you so desire.

Summer Camp is for you if:

  • 🌀 You long to feel more connected to yourself, other people, and your communities and environments

    🌀 You often feel overwhelmed, even paralyzed, by the state of reality

    🌀 You deeply desire to be more creatively expressed but you are stuck and scared to start

    🌀 You sort of kind of understand what it means to partner with chaos, but you could use some support actually doing so

    🌀 You know you’re a more effective human when you’re grounded and centered but it’s JUST SO NOISY OUT THERE

    🌀 You are curious about your ***curriculum*** and ******having conversations with other like-minded individuals who are also curious

    🌀 The thought of a flexibly structured “choose your own adventure” summer camp experiment sounds fun and admittedly haven’t had much of that **in a while

Weekly Curriculum

  • Week One: Monday, July 15

    Intention Setting + Baseline + Letter to Your Future Self

    Week one, you will declare your commitment to your experiment(s)

    👉🏽 5 weeks of daily meditation or mindfulness practice
    👉🏽 5 weeks of NO SOCIAL MEDIA
    👉🏽 5 weeks of creative practice
    👉🏽 5 weeks of…??? (*sobriety? spending time in the garden? moving your body every day? you get to choose)*

    You will learn about the **Four Domains** of human experience and create a practical map that will guide and ground you through the course (+ to infinity and beyond).

    You will write a letter to the who you will be on the other side of the course.

    You’ll begin with a simple breath technique.

    You will be accountable to your experiment (and your people) on Slack

    You will schedule your two sessions with Dani

  • Week Two: Monday, July 22


    You will learn about THREE CENTERS OF INTELLIGENCE as guiding forces in your everydays. You will establish, or deepen, a relationship with your higher self.

    You will consider the relationship between your higher self and your inner critic, and begin exploring ways of tipping the balance so the critic takes the backseat.

    You will learn a visualization and guided meditation incorporating the three centers and your higher self.

    You will be accountable to your experiment (and your people) on Slack.

    There will be journaling.

  • Week Three: Monday, July 29


    You will examine your relationship to time and urgency, and learn the basics of polyvagal theory.

    You will take inventory of your current obligations, and consider where you might create a little

    s p a c e.

    You will learn three simple nervous system regulating practices for grounding yourself on the fly.

    You will be accountable to your experiment (and your people) on Slack.

  • Week Four: Monday, August 5


    You will learn the difference between personality and identity, and how identity is shaped by what you value.

    You will discover/reassess your core values.

    You will practice a guided visualization meditation.

    You will be accountable to your experiment (and your people) on Slack.

    There will be a workbook.

  • Week 5: Monday, August 12


    You will learn about partnering with chaos instead of pushing against it, and assess your experience over the four weeks.

    You will create a (loose! flexible! compassionate!) plan to stay close to your newly established practices and to discern what’s next in your curriculum.

    You will learn a simple breath-centered meditation.

    You will be accountable to your experiment (and your people) on Slack.

Choose Your Own Adventure

*If* you have a packed summer, you will be encouraged to commit to ONE experiment for the duration of the five weeks. If you have more space, you might choose two commitments. Don’t make this harder than it has to be. The point of this is not to DO MORE. It is to listen, and respond. What are you yearning for? What calls to you? What gives you that sense of excitement/nervousness in equal measure? Choose that option. And then let yourself be supported by others in the same experiment.

  • Choose a daily practice to commit to for five weeks. This could be traditional meditation; daily journaling; daily walks in nature; any sort of quiet, contemplative time

    This is a great option if you’ve always wanted to establish consistency with a practice, but find that it tends to fall off after a few days/weeks

    There will be a dedicated Slack channel where you can hold yourself accountable, give and receive support, and share resources/ideas/suggestions/pitfalls/progressxt goes here

  • DELETE YOUR ACCOUNTS for five weeks. Or just sign out of them.

    If you’re like me, and the temptation to “just check in real quick” is too big, you might have a trusted person change your passwords.

    This is a great option if you know you’ve hit media saturation, and, despite your best attempts, you’re having a very challenging time putting down the device and being out in real life.

    There will be a dedicated Slack channel where you can hold yourself accountable, give and receive support, and share resources/ideas/suggestions/pitfalls/progress

  • Devote yourself to your creativity for five weeks. This could be a daily practice of connecting to your art, or a specific project you commit to for the duration of the course.

    This is a great option if you want to start something—or return to something—you’ve been putting off.

    Or if you know you want your creativity to take up more space in your life, but you find yourself consistently pushing it to the back burner

    There will be a dedicated Slack channel where you can hold yourself accountable, give and receive support, and share resources/ideas/suggestions/pitfalls/progressv

WHY THE “CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE”? As a coach, I am a collaborator and a guide. I do not tell people what to do. One of the greatest pursuits of self-development is for a person to develop autonomy, and the capacity to listen for the ways that life is calling them forward. What is required in order to do this is connecting to an inner spaciousness that allows this listening to occur. As you consider this course, you’re invited to listen for what adventure calls to you and commit to it. Five weeks! You will be encouraged to take risks, play with your comfort zones, ask for support, and to be kind and sweet with yourself.


I am a writer, Certified Integral Coach, and Holistic Recovery Guide located in San Francisco, CA.

I help people learn how to work with—not against—their innate talents and gifts so they can design a bold, on-purpose life that aligns with their values.

I believe that it’s an expanded sense of joy, pleasure and play that is the ultimate aim of personal growth and self development.

I prefer the margins over the middle every damn time.